Shaving Gel vs. Cream for Your Face
Ladies, are you shaving your face yet? If not, you should be. Yes, your parents and middle school friends may have told you face shaving is a hard pass, but that’s a total myth. Your hair will not grow back thicker, darker, or with two extra heads like a hydra. It’s all made up!
The fact is, shaving the right way is SUPER good for your skin. It can get rid of that excess hair, of course, but it can also exfoliate your skin, encourage cell turnover, and make all your beauty products apply way better. So, it’s time for you to put the wax strips down.
But, what’s the right way to shave? Here’s our post on how to shave your face. But, you’ll notice in there we recommend some lubrication for optimal shaving results. So, the question is: Should you use shaving cream or gel?
Here’s the difference:

Shaving Gel vs. Cream for Your Face
There are lots of shaving products out there to get a clean shave. First of all, you need a high-quality razor like the HOT SHAVE RAZOR. Then, you need a cream or gel to prevent nicks cuts, and other irritations.
But, which is best? Understanding the difference between shaving cream and gel will make it easy to decide which product is best for you.
What is Shaving Gel?
Shaving gel is a skin care product to prep your skin for shaving! Shaving gel provides a lot of lubrication and actually doesn’t need water, which is a cool feature.
Shave gels also are thin and transparent, which makes it easier to glide that razor along your face and see what you’re working with. It makes the process of shaving go by super fast, which is nice, because it always seems like we’re in a morning rush. How about you?
What is Shaving Gel Made Of?
The base of most shaving gels is made of water, lubricants, and emollients. Sometimes they have foaming agents too! (We don’t love foams for face shaving, because the air pockets make it harder to get a close shave.)
Beyond the basics, many shaving gels will drop in extra ingredients for added benefits. Everyone loves a multi-tasking skincare product, right? So, you’ll see moisturizers, aloe vera, fragrances, and other stuff in some higher-quality gels!
What is Shaving Gel Used For?
Like shaving cream, shaving gel is used to get a smooth, razor-burn-free shave. The gel coats the skin and keeps it hydrated while making your peach fuzz stiffen and stand up, so they’re super easy to shave.
Shaving gel can be used to shave any part of your body. It’s great for the face, because it’s transparent, which means you can always see what you’re doing to get the perfect shave. Plus, the extra lubrication makes shaving go smooth and quick every time.
How to Use Shaving Gel
- Before you start shaving, take a warm shower.
- Take a quarter-size amount of gel and apply it to your fingertips.
- Gently massage into your face using circular motions.
- Let the shaving gel sit on your skin for a minute.
- Shave using short, smooth strokes.
- Rinse your razor regularly to prevent buildup of gel.
- Rinse your face and pat dry.

What is Shaving Cream?
Shaving cream is another option for prepping your skin for shaving! However, contrary to popular belief, shaving cream does NOT come in a can. That’s shaving foam, and that’s pretty much the worst stuff you could use on your face.
Shave foam has tons of air pockets from the aerosol, whereas shaving cream fully coats your face to actually make shaving easier, faster, and more beneficial.
There aren’t a ton of shaving creams out there, but when you find a good one like the HOT SHAVE CREAM, it can totally elevate your face-shaving experience.
What is Shaving Cream Made Of?
Like shaving gel, the base ingredients of shaving cream are pretty simple. You’ll usually find water, stearic acid, and glycerin in your products. However, premium shaving creams will pack in a lot more ingredients for extra skincare boosts!
Our HOT SHAVE CREAM comes with lots of extras. It has to, be because this is the first and ONLY face shaving cream for women, so it needs to be the best f*cking shaving cream ever. Your beautiful face deserves it!
The HOT SHAVE CREAM includes these extra goodies that your skin will LOVE:
♡ Allantoin: a superstar moisturizer that helps prevent dry, itchy skin.
♡ Cocoa Butter: a rich emollient to deeply nourish the skin and replenish its moisture.
♡ Shea Butter: an intensely moisturizing ingredient to soften and smooth the skin.
♡ Olive Oil: hydrates dry, flakey skin.
♡ Aloe Leaf Juice: helps alleviate dry, itchy skin by giving it a boost of hydration.
♡ Blend of Sunflower Extract, Rosemary Extract, Rice Bran Extract, and Vitamin E: this blend of nourishing botanicals provides antioxidant benefits to the skin.
What is Shaving Cream Used For?
Shaving cream is perfect for getting an amazingly close shave that doesn’t have your skin feeling super irritated. It works by lifting the hairs on the face to help you get a SUPER close shave.
Plus, shaving creams like the HOT SHAVE CREAM combined with a high-quality razor like the HOT SHAVE RAZOR will provide tons more skin benefits. (Shaving is one of our fave multi-tasking skincare practices.)
The razor and cream combo gently exfoliates the skin by removing dead skin cells without bothering sensitive skin. This means when you’re done shaving, the skin on your face will not only look amazing but feel amazing.
You can use shaving cream on any part of your body, but we LOVE it on the face!

How to Use Shaving Cream
- Wash your face with warm water.
- Put a quarter size dollop of shaving cream on your palm.
- Lather the shaving cream by rubbing it into your hand. (or use a shave brush!)
- Apply an even coat of shaving cream on your face.
- Pull your skin tight, and shave using short, gentle strokes.
- Wash your face with cool water and pat dry.
Which is Better: Shaving Cream or Gel?
When it comes down to it, choosing shaving gel or cream is a matter of personal preference. Both will make sure your skin feels AMAZING post-shaving, and they both enhance the experience of face shaving while offering a ton of extra benefits.
Shaving gel is transparent, provides more lubrication, and doesn’t require water. However, to soften your skin before use, it’s recommended that you shower beforehand. Plus, you need to let the gel sit on your face for a minute or so before using it.
Shaving cream, on the other hand, can be used instantly with a little water. Though it’s not transparent, it provides an immediate lather and has a much softer, airier feel. The lubrication comes from the combo of the water and the cream, which will be more familiar to a lot of you girlies out there who are used to shaving your legs and pits in the shower.
So . . . which do we like more? Shaving cream! Our HOT SHAVE CREAM is made of deluxe ingredients and thoughtfully crafted specifically for women’s faces. There is no other skincare product like it on the market. (No, seriously, there’s not. We’ve looked!)
Shaving creams and gels help make shaving easier, faster, and more beneficial!
What’s the verdict for your shave routine, cream or gel? Whatever you choose, make sure you choose only the best quality products this is your face skin we’re talking about!
High-quality skincare products like the ones at The Skinny Confidential Shop will make sure your skin is super healthy, looks youthful, and feels AMAZING. Whatever your shaving needs are, we got you!